Saturday, February 25, 2012

Beware: Little Old Ladies & Baby Monkeys

adorable cretures, or evil poltergeists?
Just a simple quick trip to the grocery store: one o'clock on a Saturday afternoon – 8 items – in, out, done.  Oh, yeah, and return a Red Box movie we didn’t watch.  Drop it the slot, done.

Let me quickly assure you that this is nothing like your 30 year olds ‘used to be your BFF before she went and ruined everything by having kids, instantly relieving her of her former intelligence, wit and sense of adventure and dumping her into ‘bore your socks off with endless crap’ about whatever new ‘oh so precious’ thing her bundle of spit and yellow-green excrement spewing joy did today.

No. Bitch has nothing on me when it comes to grocery store adventures.  Sorry, that kind of ‘never to be spoken aloud thought’ is most likely the very reason why things like this happen to me.

I can pretty much guarantee that I won’t be sharing any stories about my kids with you.  I have two teenagers, 15 year old son & 16 year old daughter.  When they do something remarkable it generally entails:  a. irreparable damage to home or car, b. illegal activity, or c. horrifying acts of death-defying stupidity – often all of the above.  I’d be too mortified of what you’d think of me.  What kind of mother must she be???

Let me set the scene.  Whole town has been waiting for winter to hit all winter.  Now that it’s mid-February, we get a big snow (for us, 1-2” of snow) and 10 to 20 degree temps with single digit wind chill factors.  Nothing drastic at all but, well, you know how it goes.  Everybody freaks out and runs frantically to the store for milk, bread and bananas.  What is up with that?  Are they planning to hole up and eat bread pudding for the duration?

Anyway, off I go.  Parking space two slots from the store fortuitously opens up right on cue, things are looking good.  Store is packed, but I am a deft cart driver on a mission.  Already have bread and milk at home, don’t consider bananas a staple, so I can avoid those aisles all together.

Know exactly which aisles to go to, no need to read any labels or price compare.  This is my store.
Only one express lane open, but that’s cool; only one person – already unloaded and nearly finished checking out - ahead of me.  Damn, I’m good.

But noooooooo… it’s a little old lady.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I really find old people adorable; they deserve all due respect if only for having made it this far and still able to dress themselves.   In the right context that is.  The grocery store is one of the exceptions.  Why?   Because they still use checks (or the dreaded cash with exact coin change) to pay for everything.  Check writing?  Coins?  Really?  Makes me want to slap their children silly for not insisting they learn how to use a debit card – how hard can it be?
"Just let me find my check book..."
So, like they ALL do  - EVERY TIME – she waits until the groceries are tallied and the cashier is waiting expectantly, to start sorting – very methodically with their trembling arthritic hands – through her ancient ‘pocket book’ for her wallet.  She finds her checkbook, which - for some mysterious reason - is wrapped in layers of rubber bands, and commences to remove them one-by- one.

She manages to find it in pretty good time, so I’m still being respectfully patient.  I’m not really in any hurry, I just loathe shopping (and yes, I am a woman.  Not a fan of chocolate either.  Wanna make something of it?)

Little old women still take penmanship very seriously, and insist on ceremoniously writing in a very precise script every time they write.  Little old women don’t scribble for time’s sake.  I actually get it, if you’ve made it to 92 and can still write legibly, well, you’ve got it all goin’ on and deserve to take pride in it.

But here’s the next rub – they haven’t even progressed to duplicate checks.  Those marvels of time saving ingenuity introduced what, 20 or 30 years ago?  Check written, she tears the check every so slowly and precisely from the pad, sets it to one side and commences to flip through the register – the register!

Now, repeat all of the precise steps above to record the vitals and commence to tally the balance.  Don't forget the rubber bands.  Oh, sweet Jesus save me.  That’s my breaking point.  I can feel my eyes turning from blue to white hot flames of rage.  If it were humanly possible – at this point – I would shoot those white hot lasers of fire from my eyes directly into the back of her little – perfectly coiffed – head, and end her in an inferno of fire and blue hair, so help me god.
Thankfully, the moment passes and I am consoled with the thought that this is over and I am now only moments away from heading home to pour myself a glass of sauvignon blanc and build a fire so I can tuck in for a 10 degree night in my cozy little house.

Exiting the store, in the freezing cold, I take ten steps to the Red Box.  And what do I encounter there?  What else but one of those harried 30-something moms with unruly little Capuchin monkeys at her knees lobbying for their choice of animated brain washing hallucinogen.  

"I want the Jungle Book!!!"

Controlling them by sheer will of muscle memory and super human peripheral vision, she stays on task.  Choosing carefully from the hundreds of animated delusions available to keep the little monsters at bay while she cooks dinner and surreptitiously nips vodka from the bottle in the freezer to numb her previously functional brain (valium's not as easy to come by as it was in my mother's day).

I stand behind her with my movie held aloft in an unabashed, though silent, plea to just get out of the way for 30 seconds so I can be on my way.   Of course, to no avail.  The wrath of the little monkeys vs. the total stranger is not even a contest in her mind.
I guarntee you there's a mom with her monkeys at the front of that line.
Finally, she makes her selections and walks away in that tell-tale mommy trance, herding the little heathens to the car, four-door sedan or mini-van/SUV.

It’s freezing, so I am wearing gloves.  Push the return button, rub on the return button, beat on the return button.  Finally, resign to remove a  glove, warm my finger by vigorously rubbing the return button.  Finally the machine responds, and I slip my movie in the slot.  Off I go.

Have to press the trunk button on the fob repeatedly, trunk frozen shut.  Finally give up and throw may 4 small bags and the treasured kindling across to the passenger seat.

Maintain a sense of decorum and socially acceptable behavior that insists I return my cart several spaces up the aisle to the ‘cart corral’ and smack – what’s this?  Car parked directly across the aisle behind me (of course), probably as harried as I am at this point, backs right into the car zooming up the aisle behind them in search of a space.
Evil potergeists?
You have got to be F^*ing kidding me!  What are the odds?  Is it because I had all those evil thought s about the little old lady and the pitiful shell of what was once a vibrant young woman mom, with monkeys at her heels no doubt.

2 or 3mph hit at best.  That used to be 100 bucks worth of damage.  Now, thanks to the molded uni-body it will now cost both of them thousands.

Still, shouldn’t be a big deal.  Cops aren’t going to come and tape off a crime scene – this is private property and not their problem.

Does the ‘hitee’ politely go ahead and park, walk back to exchange insurance info with the ‘hitter’ so as to accommodate the increasing frenzy of traffic  frantic for milk, bread and bananas to sustain their families on bread pudding for the duration of the devastating inch or two of snow that will be gone by noon tomorrow?

Not on your life.

I didn't actuall lay eyes on either dirver, but I would swear my last dollar that one of those ill mannered drivers was the little old lady - the other was the mom and her monkeys.

I slide the cart into the cart corral and trot back to my car to crank the heater and get the simple store run that has become such an absolutely absurd cluster f^* behind me.

Take a deep breath, stay cool and calm.  It takes some real finesse, several small turns and maneuvers, but I manage to escape the narrow lane without ramming every car around me.  Of course, by now, there are at least 5 cars lined up behind me just wanting by to get the hell out of the parking lot and get home to their own sanctuaries.

I really couldn’t give a rat’s ass about them.  Actually, I secretly take a little evil joy in sharing my pain with them.

Take a big sigh of relief.  I’m on my way – only minutes to the comfort of home.  Carry the lighter bags in the door and hubby – as always – obediently jumps up to bring in the heavier fare (pretty sure he is a little afraid of me, which is as it should be) – liters of soda and a heavy bag of kindling, the real inspiration for taking on this whole debacle.

Must be the exposure to the cold, but this makes him need to run take a pee, post-haste.

Items placed appropriately in the fridge or cupboards.  Dutifully look for my purse to hang the car keys on the allotted hook to save any searching later.

But wait, what’s this?  Where is my purse?  I always dump it on the counter; remove my jacket and gloves etc.  I haven’t yet been anywhere but straight into the kitchen.  Is it accidently hung with the coat on the rack? No.  Uncharacteristically tossed on the couch? No.  Kitchen table? No.  Oh, wait, bet I left it in the car.  After all, this has been a harrowing experience for me, relatively speaking.  Run out in the freezing cold sans coat – quick once over – passenger seat, floor boards, back seat.  Check, check and check.

Are you f^*ing kidding me????  Could I have actually left a rather large black slouch shoulder purse in the cart when I parked in the corral and the smack of the fender bender distracted me?

Ran to the desk, hit, type in store name, city state and street.  ‘No Search Results”.  WTF?
Meticulously check the spelling.  Hit search again – no luck.  Google, here I come (I should know better by now, the oracle is all knowing without rival).  Dial the number, describe the purse – whew, it’s there.

Don my jacket, jump in the car, speed over, park right out front and dash to the Customer Service counter.  One register, one customer.  Woman who works there – loading up on snack foods.  Goes to pay but, "oh wait, I also need two packs of…"

Cashier glances at me and gets it.  Not sure exactly what it was about my body language, but it is entirely possible that I was, in fact, pounding my head on the counter at this point – blind with rage and frustration at both all the people who have conspired to put me through hell, but myself as well – I am my own worst enemy.  “Are you the (idiot implied, but not voiced) who left their their purse in their cart?” she asks.

"Yes," I whimper – I can see it 4 feet away behind her and have actually contemplated breaching the sanctity of the counter to just grab it and run.  She calmly takes three steps to retrieve it and hands it to me - ever so gently – saying “you have a good night, hon.”

As I walk in the door at home, this ordeal finally behind me, hubby says “where did you go?”

"I left my –several epithets ensue – purse in the cart."  “WOW, IS EVERYTHING IN IT?”  "Yes, it’s all good."
“How in the world did you manage to miss that big old thing and leave it behind?”

White hot eyes, jaw unhinges, rip his face off and toss it to the dog.
I swear, he left me no choice...
Breathe a well deserved sigh of relief.  Pour my glass of wine and commence to build that fire.
Ahhh…  all is right with the world again.

Later, fellow bloggers.  If there is one edict of the blog that I will not breach it is blogging under the influence.

EPILOGUE:   I know, this is already way too long, I’m sorry.  But this last bit is so incredible, so sublimely fitting, that I wouldn’t believe it myself if it hadn’t actually happened to me.

Remember the bag of kindling for the last fire of the winter? The impetus for this whole impossibly surreal adventure?

Hubby didn’t bring it in from the car, hands were full.  Luckily for him, he is unconscious from blood loss and shock – therefore immune to any more pain I might inflict (thus totally depriving me of the joy of inflicting said pain).  Previously alluded to daughter took that car to an overnight with a friend in another town – kindling in tow…

I’m just going to bed. Goodnight.

All photos via Google Images

This is gong to be short and sweet.   I just can't pass it up...

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer, a former long-time professor at Harvard and judge in federal appeals court in Boston, was robbed last week by a machete-wielding intruder...

As usual, I was listening to my local NPR staion on the way home from work today when this litttle tidbit hit the air.   Immediately, my mind latched on and I was incredulous.

Instantly, I pictured this elderly gentleman and his wife - having a snifter of brandy before heading to bed at 8pm.  Perhaps in his velvet robe, leather slippers and ascot.  They're in their Georgetown brownstone.  In runs this apparent wildman weilding a machete.  A machete!!!.

"Give me all your cash, Now! Or I cut you head off!"

Berger looks at his wife out the side of his eyes, eyebrows raised in disbelief, more befuddled than frghtened.

Giggling just a little, he says, "Okay... who put you up to this?"  Really, young man, how did you get in here?"
Justice Breyer applauds 'maniac's' perofrmance
Surely, that would result in his head being lopped off and rolling across the room, coming to rest - with an astounded look on his face - across the room soewhere.  But really, could you blame him?
"Jeez, I just' can't get a break...
Anyway, then came 'the rest of the story... his vacation home in the West Indies, a Supreme Court spokeswoman said today.  The Globe
It made perfect sense then, and I'm cetain he was appropratey mortified and instantly compliant.

The truth is never as good as the shit my brain conjurs up for my entertainment.

I thank whatever fun stuff I subjected said brain to in the 80's and 90's.

The Look - 'Drop Crotch' Jeans Trend: Hot or Horrible?

I read my first blog a few days ago.  I was bed ridden with sinusitis, third novel of the week read, and wondering why I even still own a television.

After reading the first twenty or so I was completely losing faith in the future of humanity… I hadn’t been even marginally inspired by style or substance by any of them enough them to read past the first paragraph (sometimes the first sentence had me hitting the back button).

Then I found her – cristycarringtonlewis, Why I Hate Witty People – and all joyous hope for mankind returned.  Ok, ok - but it was really, really good.

I was inspired anew to take on this blogging adventure.

DISCLAIMERMs. Carrington-Lewis is in no way to be held responsible for inflicting me upon you. 
Next hurdle: what in the hell am I going to write about?  I had seen enough banal and insipid drivel to convince me that I could at least do better than most of what was out there.

I kept throwing ideas against wall, but mostly it just went splat and oozed… well – picture an angry chimpanzee in a cage and you get the graphic gist of it.

So, in an effort to distract myself with mindless pop culture, I hopped on the internet to check out the days’ ‘top must read’ articles on a few of the internet ‘news’ sites.

And there it was… sandwiched between 'Kim K's Marriage Meltdown!'  and 'Which (Name a Celebrity) Wore This Dress Better?’

The Look - 'Drop Crotch' Jeans Trend: Hot or Horrible?
photo via Yahoo Shine

The inspiration hit me like a slapstick cream pie – much like I imagine an epiphany comes to to the truly enlightened.
Me... much like the truly inlightened
One simple tweak - one so incredibly obvious to me – that all of the fashion world would soon forget this absurd offering ever even happened.

NOTE:  my interest in, or knowledge of, the fashion industry is really nil.  I do, however, enjoy relishing in the absurdity of it all.

My fashion sense follows a very narrow and simple curve:  appropriate but uninspired business attire, equally uninspired casual Friday staples, and soiled baggy sweats with leopard print house shoes in public.   What I like to call my “keep walking, I don’t need your spare change” look.

That said, I have to apologize to Ms. Kerrington for not sticking to one of the best pieces of advice that she was so kind to bestow upon me:

If I gave a rat's ass about what interested other people, my blog would be dedicated to the joys of scrapbooking and how to obtain that Kim Kardashian smoky eye. If you go the mainstream route, you may get some of the coveted hits I mentioned, but you will have sold your soul and will spend eternity listening to David Hasselhoff - singing - in German.

Bring on the Hoff.

It was never a part of my original intent to sell my soul this way – but please try to understand…

To borrow from a turn of phrase, I am a recovering successful person (thank you George W).  I have bills to pay, mouths to feed, and college tuition for two looming in the very near future.

Suddenly, all I could see were the tags I could use to draw the masses.  Think of it: fashion trends, skinny jeans, controversy/baggy jeans… the list is endless.

Anyway, the article explained that the trend had  “erupted onto the fashion scene over a year ago, but it’s now gaining momentum, with several retailers, including Oak NYC, ASOS and even GAP, now selling the droopy item.”  It was congratulated as a “brave new trend!” and labeled “something likely only hardcore fashionistas could pull off.”

The comments from the peanut gallery article reviews were a blood bath of mostly juvenile (read: male) remarks about what you could hide in the crotch (‘steal a turkey!’), or what they might conceal (‘perfect for adult diapers!’).

And then retailers’ tragic response to the public’s outcry: ‘marked down from $158 to $79!’’
The retailers’ reaction went from mild embarrassment to full on panic: 'These drop crotch jeans from ASOS are reduced from $89.53 to $35.81.'

NOOOOOOOOO! I cried.  Possibly out loud, though I can’t be certain.  I just recall having a sense that passerby widened their berth and quickened their pace.

Was I really the only one who could see it?  Was that even possible????

Could it be that I was really the only who could save OakNYC from the shame and financial ruin that this fashion snafu would surely rain down upon them, but to -in fact- give them the most inspired product launch of the decade?

One simple tweak - one so incredibly obvious to me – that all of the fashion world would soon forget this absurd offering ever even happened.

A win-win solution for not only the designer, but for a whole generation of young fashion innovators…
I had to act fast, because I knew that this would be my one chance at untold riches.  Fashion designers and marketing executives would line up around the block to beg me to come to their rescue.

The signing bonus, the exorbitant salary, and – dare I dream?  My generation’s Holy Grail: Health coverage!

Let me explain.  Unless you are a hermit or of the uni-bomber ilk, you can’t have avoided the most ubiquitous fashion trend of young males to be seen in decades… the baggy skinny jean.  It’s everywhere you look.
But, alas, the establishment has been hell bent on crushing the beloved trend.  Indeed threatening the inalienable right of these young men to their freedom of expression.

"The movement (to ban the look) is fueled by growing worries among lawmakers that the sloppy dress of America’s youth could be related, no matter how indirectly, to delinquency, poor learning and crime."

Crime???  Seriously?  Even if these wanna be hooligams wanted to commit a crime, they couldn't run away from an 80 year old shop keeper on his worst arthritic day without their pants throwing them face first to the ground after two strides!  The bizarre hop-skip while holding their pants up whith one hand thing they do just to walk  is a severe impedement to the speedy get away.
'You better run you whipper snapper!'
“If we have kids going around wearing pants below their butts, it’s not nice, not decent,”  says Timothy Holmes, a city commissioner in Opa-locka, Florida.  “If you ask six of these kids, ‘What are your grades? Four will tell you they are making C’s, D’s and F’s.  I see how senior citizens respond to these kids.  They’re afraid.”

Parents everywhere cried “I knew it!”, and "not my son!” in their best "won’t someone think of the children?!?” voices.

The fogies even have an anthem, thanks to one Larry Platt:

“Pants on the ground, Pants on the ground
Lookin’ like a fool with yo pants on the ground
Gold in your mouth
Hat turned sideways, pants hit the ground
Call yourself a cool cat looking like a fool
Walking down town with yo pants on the ground
get it up!!

What a needless tragedy that would be!

Quick, OakNYC and ASOS – recall all of your drop crotch jeans immediately – there is no time to waste!
Re-label them and do a 180 with your marketing campaign.

You never meant for them to appeal to women, the target market had been young males all along, but the labeling house made a devastating mistake that was compounded by the incompetency of the marketing agencies and retailers.

Think of it… the conservatives and the young male contingent can both rejoice!
The men get to keep their beloved look, and the conservatives are appeased by the fact that the boxers/briefs/and butt cracks are now safely back under cover.  Their children’s futures bright once again.

Now all I have to do is kick back and wait for the riches.

If you’ll excuse me, in anticipation of my impending fall off of the wagon of abject failure, I’m going to go out and splurge.  Off to get myself some wine… something that doesn’t come in a box!

Morning Commute in a Small City

Let me preface this by explaining that I developed some serious chops by starting my driving career in LA – a city of 15 million. Nobody has anything on me there.
And it still looks like this at 2 o'clock in the morning... 

Sure, New York has 20 million, but - seriously? Most of the cars on the street of NYC are professional drivers – cabbies.
NYC Traffic
Private Citizens in NYC are afraid to drive their own cars, and no one but Trump can afford a parking space anyway. They don’t count.
In LA, every idiot can, and does, own and drive their own car. They take great pride in one car, one driver narcissism. Even couples who work in the same building insist on driving separate cars because it allows them to passive aggressively compete with one another every morning.

Now I live in a city of a little over ½ million. Don’t ask, that’s a story for another day…

On its face, you would think that would equate to little or no traffic issues. Oh, contraire!
Smaller population = significantly reduced infrastructure. Traffic is a badge of honor – it gives the impression that you are in a big city. Sheesh – everybody knows that perception is reality, right?
It really isn’t the congestion I have to bitch about though. It’s the incredible aggression with which people drive no matter what the circumstances.

It’s like they need to get out this intense drive (pun intended) to vent their aggression and assert their imported competitive driving skills regardless of the circumstances. It baffles and confounds me.
For awhile, it actually even just amused me.

But now I find myself inexplicably and uncontrollably drawn into the game…
I don’t play any video games. The last time I really got into one was a silly pre-evolution thing called Lemmings. My chops in that arena were cut on Pong for Christ’s sake. (yeah, I’m old, piss off)
Anyway – here’s the game…

You’re in two lanes of 40-60 mph commuter traffic. At 7am (no, I’m not going to add in the morning – you people really piss me off. Don’t you get redundancy of it?) A third lane is opening up on the right so you can exit onto an even faster highway.

Traffic isn’t that tight, you could easily slip in behind the guy in front of you and successfully reach your destination in the same amount of time. But noooooooooo…
That would be a pussy move, that’s what little old ladies do. You know you can do better! You put lard on your bumpers every morning.

Mind you – I was one of those mellow drivers that respectfully left a couple of car lengths between my car and the guy in front of me. I am smart enough to know that risking my - and everyone around me’s lives – just to get up by two car lengths will net no gain. I won’t get there any faster, BECAUSE THERE’S ALWAYS ANOTHER GUY AHEAD OF THEM. ALWAYS!!!

Oh yeah – that used to be me. Sit back and amuse myself with the pointless jockeying of the morons.
Not anymore – in the end – I was helpless to escape the call of the competition. I’m certain that – even though I honestly have not one facial hair – I am afflicted with an inordinately high level of testosterone.
I don’t engage in the swinging out and squeezing in at the last moment. I’m not that bad yet.
No, what I delight in doing now is staying as close to one car length behind the guy in front of me and fucking with the squeezer in-er.

When I see one coming – and you know instinctively who they are (even thought they think themselves oh so clever for never putting on a blinker to telegraph their maniacal intention) - I drop back just a few inches. Just enough that they could, conceivably, successfully complete their vile assault.

Then, just as the most subtle hint of sliding in catches my eye - (they always have a tell… a steely shift of the eyes is all they allow. Only neophytes actually turn their heads) –I speed up and close the space.
If they are foolish enough to start early and make more than one attempt, well, I praise them for making my day start with such a rush and fuck with the precision.

Oh the triumph, the ecstasy! Watching them nearly kill themselves correcting their trajectory and returning to their own lane… well, the feeling is indescribable.
Horrified Driver
My ultimate mission is to make them miss their exit for being such an asshole.

My triumph is winning the game – every time.

By the time I get to work I am gentle as a kitten, but filled with verve and all smiles.

I salute you, small-town wanna be aggressive driver. You make my morning commute the highlight of my day. Thank you.

CAVEAT 1:  If you use your blinker to signal that you need to come over like civilized person, I will graciously allow it.

CAVEAT 2:  I don't really want anyone, lease of all myself, to get hurt.  I take the bench in inclement weather... gotta let them have their fun once in a while, lest they give up the game and take my fun away.